Living: having life; active, functioning; exhibiting the life or motion of nature

Well: a good or satisfactory way, in a thorough manner




A New Year is soon upon us and with it comes the desire to usher in a renewed sense of self and our perception of life.  The desire to bring “better” into our lives is really our need for functionality that allows us to produce measurable results.  That desire for better becomes a daily pursuit. When we produce results in our lives, it gives us a sense of well-being. A life well lived is the result of a life being built in healthy, thriving environments. Environments are the spaces we occupy, and there is no space more important than the space we live in; our homes and ultimately with ourselves.

I believe living well is attainable, and indeed accessible.  Living well requires the intention and willingness to look at what we are grateful for, which is often right in front us.  I find Joy in all aspects of my life and consciously become aware at what warms my heart and gives me a sense of well-being. My simple Joys range from indulging my pet Chihuahua Maverick, exploring Nature Photography, loosing myself in vision boards, to sharing healthy eating habits. Engaging in the simplest of joy-filled activities  is vital to building a healthy environment within oneself.

 One area my life that is particularly important to me is my home environment.  Our homes are an aspect of our lives where we get to exercise complete control.  Our homes are our sanctuaries, a safe space where we get to freely express our true selves and where we create who we desire to be. It is tempting, after being impacted by external factors, that coming home is a place to shut out and give ourselves over.  This may result in not wanting to be structured in one’s home, however, a lack of structure can lead to a lack of upkeep, resulting in a messy home.  Things occupy space, whereas open space provides accessibility.  So here are few tips to inspire you to provide space in your domain.


  • Go through the closet.
  • Separate what you wear from what don’t wear.
  • Donate gently used clothing, recycle old clothing, and shoes and throw the rest away.




  • Organize your work space.  This is the space where you get to create and design the work that you do in your life.  Keep the space clear of clutter and open for ideas.
  • File paperwork that is needed to keep order, and discard/shred or recycle what is not needed.



  • Remove clutter from your bedroom.  The bedroom is your sanctuary, the place where you get to surrender, recharge, and renew yourself.  Your bedroom should support this function and can be achieved by removing objects that do not support a restful slumber.
  • Always make your bed in the morning, it will be a pleasure to return home to a made bed at the end of the day.




  • Keep a clean and organized bathroom.  Having a clean space to wash the stresses of the day away through a hot shower or deep relaxing soak, enhances our sense of self-care and well-being.
  • Remove clutter and decorate to inspire relaxation.



  • Create a nook for yourself.  Find a space in your home that can allow for a cushion or chair, painting, candles, or plants; giving you a place to check-out, read, journal and contemplate.



Taking time to beautify the spaces that hold us safe and provide us with care, deserves the time and attention of upkeep. More importantly, by cleansing, organizing, and beautifying our physical spaces it simultaneously impacts the internal environment within ourselves.

Feeling well is a choice we can make and  a gift we indeed can give ourselves!

Stay Sovereign!


Nadia Pillay